Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Grad school and work!

Doh! I just posted one of these, but who knows where it went...Anyways, the good thing about being a DBA is I'm online for a lot of the day, which allows me to frequently participate and check the status of the discussions in my online classes.

Work has been going very well lately. I was at Oracle training a little bit ago, and learned a whole lot. Having the technical background I do, and now doing grad school for the administrative and decision making background, has me feeling confident that I can make a big impact in my work environment. Hopefully, with all of this training, one day I can achieve a high position in the IT world.

Monday, September 10, 2007

What's in the name?

I figure anyone reading this will wonder what I mean by Genius@Work... Probably over ten years ago, I was reading a copy of Sport's Illustrated and saw an ad for some kind of pickup truck. In big letters over the ad was the phrase "Genius At Work". I though that this was a good way to describe me when I'm sleeping. So, I cut out the words and hung it above my bed. That little piece of magazine has followed me everywhere I've lived since. When I went to Frostburg, I posted it above my bed. Now that I have my own place, I have it posted there too. And when I go to work, I like to think of myself as a genius at work. Maybe I'm a little too narcisistic and self involved...but I'd like to think my mind is always thinking, and I am truly a genius at work.